Cathy Saunders President at Common Cause Rhode Island | LinkedIn
Cathy Saunders President at Common Cause Rhode Island | LinkedIn
The ACLU of Rhode Island and Common Cause Rhode Island have issued a joint statement regarding the recent amendment to the LEOBOR reform bill (H 7263 Sub A/S 2096 Sub A) passed by the Rhode Island Senate. The organizations expressed appreciation for the Senate's decision to amend the bill, specifically removing the House version’s ban on public access to body camera footage involving minor incidents of police misconduct.
However, concerns were raised about the amendment tying public access to regulations set by the Attorney General. "We believe this amendment could allow future restrictions on access to body camera footage," stated the organizations. They noted that such regulations could potentially be revised to prohibit access in situations where open records law permits, but does not mandate, release.
Both organizations emphasized their commitment to remaining vigilant as LEOBOR reform is implemented. They expressed hope that law enforcement departments and the Attorney General will maintain transparency regarding public access to police body camera footage.
For more information, see sections on Open Government and Ethics & Accountability.